1. The applicant holding this permit is liable for all damages to plants, trees, park grounds, facilities, park
furnishings and other park property resulting from the permit holder’s use. Any charges shall be charged
directly to the organization/applicant.

2. Permit holder shall, in the performance of service under this permit, comply with all statutes, ordinances,
rules, and regulations of the Cincinnati Park Board, City of Cincinnati, County of Hamilton, State of Ohio,
and United States Government.

3. Use of metal detectors and digging is prohibited in these designated Parks and Preserves: Sawyer
Point/Yeatman’s Cove, T.M. Berry International Friendship Park, Smale Riverfront Park, Washington Park,
Rawson Woods, Parker Woods, Buttercup Valley, California Woods, Magrish Preserve, Caldwell Preserve,
Seymour Preserve, Bettman Preserve, and LaBoiteaux Woods. Other prohibited areas include planting
beds, gardens, mulched areas around trees, unmowed vegetation, the infield areas of ball fields and all
other areas closed to the public, or as directed by Park staff.

4. Tools used for probing must be similar to a digging trowel, with a blade length of no more than seven (7)
inches and a width of no more than two (2) inches. Knives and screwdrivers are not permitted.

5. Any area disturbed must be returned to its “natural” state as found prior to the permit holder’s activities.

6. Permit holder must avoid areas where activities are scheduled or are taking place, i.e. concerts, weddings,
picnics, park-sponsored events and family gatherings.

7. Violation of any of the above will result in revocation of the applicant’s permit.

8. Permit expires one year from date issued.

9. This permit is non-transferable and must be in your possession on the grounds while using a metal detector.

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