Location: Ault Park - 5090 Observatory Drive 45208 (Main entrance)
Cincinnati Parks is thrilled to have the continued support of Summit Country Day! Volunteers will work in Ault Park to mulch the Japanese Cherry Grove and the Weeping Cherry Grove. Volunteers will load mulch into wheelbarrows with pitchforks, and spread with heavy rakes around the selected tree rings.
Students will be split into smaller groups upon arrival. the students will then assist the florists with mulching the hillside behind the Ault pavilion
Volunteers should be prepared for the weather (lightweight clothing) and wear long pants and long sleeves to protect against thorns and possible poison ivy encounters. Close-toed shoes are required. Suggested: Work gloves (if you own them) and a refillable water bottle. There will be work gloves available to borrow and a water cooler will be provided on site for volunteers to refill bottles. Cincinnati Parks discourages single - use plastics.